Glossay Bibliography

  • J. Agapito Ruiz, A classical umbral view of the Riordan group and related Sheffer sequences, Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar Dept. Matematica da Universidade de Coimbra (Nov 2010)  lect>
  • J. Agapito Ruiz, An umbral symbolic characterization of Riordan arrays, XVIII Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica, Matera Italy (Sept 2012) lect>
  • L. AlpogeAn introduction to Tate’s thesis McGill University Montreal, Quebec Aug (2010 )  thesis>
  • T. K. Araaya, The symmetric Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials,Thesis-UppsalaUniv. 2013 thesis>
  • J. Arthur, J. W. Cogdell, S. Gelbart, D. Goldberg, D. Ramakrishnan and J-K. Yu Editors, On Certain L-Functions, Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, Indiana (Jul 23–27 2007), American Mathematical Society Clay Mathematics Institute book>
  • B. Barik, Lucas sequence, Its properties and generalization, Thesis, National Insti tute of Tecnology Rourkela-Odisha, May 2013 thesis>
  • P. Barry, A Study of Integer Sequences, Riordan Arrays, Pascal-like Arrays and Hankel Transforms, Thesis-University College Cork, Jul 2009 thesis> 
  • N. T. Cameron. Combinatorics with the Riordan Group, NUMS Conference Reed College (Apr 2011) lect> 
  • K. Consoni, An overview of the theory of Zeta functions and L-series, Johns Hopkins University-Vanderbilt University (May 200) lect> 
  • S. Cooper, The q-binomial theorem, Massey University, Auckland Mathematical Association, HoD Day (May 2013) lect> 
  • D. Damanik and A. Pushmitski&B. Simon, The Analytic Theory of Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials, Surveys in Approximation Theory, Vol.4 (2008) 1-85 book> 
  • P. J. Davis, Circulant Matrices, 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea (1994) book>
  • A. Di Bucchianico, An introduction to Umbral Calculus, EIDMA 1998 book>
  • K. Dilcher, On Multiple Zeros of Bernoulli Polynomials, Special Functions in the 21st Century, Washington, DC, Apr 6, 2011 lect>
  • T. Ehrhardt, Factorizationtheory for Toeplitz plus Hankel operators and singular integral operators with flip, Ph.D. Thesis-Erlangen (2004)
  • T. Ernst, The history of q-calculus and a new method, xxx book> 
  • T. Ernst, q-Pascal and q-Bernoulli matrices, an umbral approach, Uppsala Univ., U.U.D.M. Report (2008):23 book>
  • G. Everest and A. van der Poorten and I. Shparlinski and T. Ward, Recurrence Sequences, Monograph published Jul 2003 in Math.Surveys and Monog., vol.104 by the AMS book> 
  • D. Farmer, A. Pitale, N. Ryan and R. Schmidt, What is an L-function? lect>
  • C. Furst, Combinatorial Sums: Egorychev’s Method of Coefficients and Riordan Arrays, RISC – Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University Linz thesis> 
  • J. D. GaliffaOn the Higher Order Sheffer Orthogonal Polynomial Sequences, Springer Briefs in Mathematics (2013) book>
  • Y. Gelineau, Études combinatoires des nombres de Jacobi-Stirling et d’Entringer, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1 (Année 2010) thesis>
  • R.F. GlodenSome Properties of the Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete VariableInstitute for Systems, Informatics and Safety 21020 Ispra (VA) Italy 1997 EUR 17683 EN book>
  • R. M. Gray, Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices: A Review, Found. Trends Commun. Inform. Th. Vol. 2, No 3 (2006) 155–239 book>
  • M. Hirvensalo and N. Gogin, Generating Function of Discrete Chebyshev Polynomials, Dept. of Math. Univ. of Turku FIN-20014 Turku, Finland turku>
  • D. Husemöller, Elliptic CurveGraduate Texts in Matematica 111 (Second Edition) Springer (First Edition 1987) book>
  • M. Ishikawa, A Pfaffian analogue of the q-Catalan Hankel determinant, 65th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Sept 12–15 (2010) Strobl (Wolfgangsee), Austria lect>
  • M. Ismail and E. Koelik, In Memoriam: Mizan Rahman, J. Appr. Th. 201 (2016) 87–97 article>
  • N. Koblitz,Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 97 (Second Edition) Springer New York 1993 book>
  • R. Koekoek, Generalizations of the classical Laguerre polynomials and some q-analogues, Thesis- Technische Universiteit Delft (22 nov 1990) thesis>
  • R. Koekoek, P. A. Lesky and R. F. Swarttouw, Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and their q-analogues, Springer Monographs in Mathematics (2009) book>
  • R. Koekoek and P. A. Lesky&R. F. Swarttouw, Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and their q-analogues, Springer Monographs in Mathematics 2013 book>
  • R. Koekoek and R. F. Swarttouw, The Askey-scheme of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and its q-analogue, 1998 Report no. 98_17 book>
  • T. H. Koornwinder, Askey­Wilson polynomial, Korteweg-de Vries Inst. for Math., Univ. of Amsterdam (2012) book>
  • T. H. Koornwinder, Orthogonal Polynomials, Notes of two lectures given at the LHCPHENOnet School Integration, Summation and Special Functions in Quantum Field Theory, RISC, Schloss Hagenberg, Austria (9–13 Jul 2012, last modified: Feb 25, 2013) lect>
  • T. H. Koornwinder, Askey­Wilson polynomial, Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, Dec 2014 Scholarpedia Journal, Vol. 7, No. 7 article>
  • S. Khrushchev, Orthogonal polynomials and continued fractions from Euler’s point of view, Cambridge Università Press-First Publisher 2008 book>
  • J-M. LeahyAn introduction to Tate’s Thesis, McGill University, Canada (Aug 2010) thesis>
  • A. F. S. Loureiro, Hahn’s generalised problem and corresponding Appell polynomial sequences, Faculdade de Ciências da Universiade do Porto (2008) thesis>
  • L. Lovász and K. Vesztergombi, Discrete Mathematics, Lecture Notes, Yale University (Spring 1999) book>
  • W. Luo, Wiener Chaos Expansion and Numerical Solution of Stoch. Parti Diff. Equations, Thesis-California Institute off Tecnology (May 2006) thesis
  • J.C. Mason and D.C. Handscomb, Chebyshev Polynomials, CRC Press Company Boca Raton (2003), book>
  • A.M. Meinke, Fibonacci numbers and associated matrices, Kent State University (2011) thesis>
  • J.S. Milne, Modular Functions and Modular Forms, Math 678 Univ. of Michigan (1997) book>
  • J.S. Milne, Elliptic curves, BookSurge Publishers (2017), book>
  • J.S. Milne, Modular functions and Modular Forms (Elliptic modular curves), xxxx (2017) book>
  • H. Niederhausen, Finite Operator Calculus With Applications to Linear Recursions, Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton book>
  • M. D. Petkovic, P. M. Rajkovic and P. Barry, On the Hankel transform of generalized central trinomial coeffcients, Approximation and Computation (2008) lect>
  • R. Piessens, Trasforms and Applications Handbook (Third Edition 2010), Chapter 9, A. D. Poularikas, Editor-in-Chief, Boca Radon: CRC Press LLC book>
  • R. Pirastu, On combinatorial identities: symbolic summation and Umbral Calculus, Thesis-Johannes Kepler Universität-Linz (Jul 1996) thesis>
  • D. Ramakrishnan and R. J. Valenza, Fourier analysis on number fields, Springer, New York, 1999, xxi + 350 pp. book>
  • R. C. Rhoades, Elliptic curves and modular forms, Notes on a course at the Università off Wisconsin–Madison (Springs 2006) lect>
  • L. Shapiro, A Survey of the Riordan Group, Lectures given at the Center for Combinatorics in Nankai University in the spring of 2005 lect> 
  • J.H. Silverman, An Introduction to the Theory of Elliptic Curves, Summer School on Comput. Number Th. and Appl. to Crypt., Univ. of Wyoming (2006) lect> 
  • R. Sprugnoli, Combinatorial Identities, Dip. di Sistemi e Informatica-Firenze (Italy) (Dec 2004) notes>
  • R. Sprugnoli, Riordan Array Proofs of Identities in Gould’s Book, Dip. di Sistemi e Informatica – Firenze (Italy) (Feb 2006) book>
  • J. Steuding, An Introduction to the Theory of L-functions, A course given at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2005/06) lect>
  • S. Szegö, Orthogonal Polynomials, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Pub. Vol. XXIII (Fourth Edition,1975) book>
  • J. TateIntroduction to L-functions I, Fourier Analysis in Number Fields and Hecke’s Zeta functions 1950 reprinted in the book of Cassels and Frohlich, Algebraic Number Theory, Academic Press (1967) book>
  • J. Urbanowicz and K. S. Williams, Congruences for L-Functions. Mathematics and Its Applications Vol. 5 1 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers book>
  • S. H. M. van Zwam, Combinatoria Matematica, Princeton Univ. (2014) book>
  • xxxx,Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion, 212-1016 book>
  • Wyn-jones,Circulants, Alun Wyn-jones, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (Jan 2008) book>
  • H. Zassenhaus, Emil Artin, his life and his work, Notre Dame J. of Formal Logic Vol. V, Number 1, Jan 1964 paper>
  • Zlotnik and M. Jardak, Polynomial Chaos for Dynamical Systems, Simulation of the turbulent flow in a 3D channel and over a surface mounted cube lect>